Tuesday 5 April 2016

Top 3 Important fact of Music in Our Life

After long research and study everyone knows that music is important part of our life. The reason behind this is that music treat human according to situation. If anyone in sad mood he/she like to listen sad music, as like that if we are happy we like to listen party music , also some time we like soft, rock and many other types of music. Actually music is everywhere in our surrounding like, in wind, in birds everywhere we feel from our heart. Here we are going to share Top 3 Important fact of Music in Our Life.

Music And Creativity: No one knows that from where music comes but now in these days we have different types of music. This is all because of human creative mind who invents new, new types of music. In every single second a musician thinking for new sound or music. As like that some time a musician play a instrumental music and audience understand the story behind the music this all because of creativity of mind and music.

Music and Study: Music also helps to make study enjoyable. If teacher try to teach student with the help of music like by singing a song related to topic then student remember that topic easily. Also like that if student try to learn any topic with background soft music intent of any other sound it will help full to learn any topic.

Music and Daily Life: In our daily life music play important part, music can change our mood, make us emotional, happy and many more. Always, we happy or in sad mood 90% people like to listen music in their own language. I also like to listen music of my favourite artist in my own language like Satinder Sartaj, Manmohan Waris, A R Rahman and Bohemia. So stay connected with music, listen music you like to listen and it really helps you to change your life and way of thinking. 

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